Al Bsharah Business Minded, Technically Inclined


Breakfast of Champions

Gas vs Electric Vehicle Cost and Savings Calculator


It’s spreadsheet time! Every once in a while I need to build a spreadsheet to help me understand the math behind a decision so I can make a more informed choice. Ok, it happens way more than every once in a while. Regardless, you get to benefit! Why did I build this thing? Because I couldn’t get a straight-forward answer that applied to my specific situation. Should I buy an electric...

The Tech Tool Roadmap: How to find, buy, and implement the right tools for your growing business


There’s literally a software tool for everything these days, and we take for granted how they have transformed modern business. In my 20 years of founding or operating in growth startups, I’ve seen poorly implemented technologies cause more problems than they've helped. Here’s how I’ve mapped out the process to bring on new business tools and avoid these pitfalls.

Cutting the Cord, Pulling the Plug – I Cancelled my Cable!

Cable TV Static Flicker

January 25, 2012. That was the day (so I’ve had 3 months under my belt). After years of building home-brew DVR’s, and spending countless monthly dollars on a service I rarely used anymore…I made the move.  Shut it down, turned it off, sent the equipment back!  Now I just have an internet connection. How do I feel?  Well, like I’ve got a few more dollars in my pocket for...

Microsoft BizSpark Plus and My Company Embarke

BizSpark Plus - Embarke Benefits

So, a lot has happened this year with Embarke…and one of the most substantial things is Embarke being accepted into the Microsoft BizSpark Plus program.  If you don’t feel like clicking that link, here’s the Cliff’s Notes:  We get $60k of free Azure Cloud services.  Nice! We’re so excited, we shot a video for it.  Bryan and I chatted for about 15 minutes, then I...

AR.Drone Unbox, Flight, Crash!

AR.Drone Flying

I don’t think I’ve ever done a video review of anything before, but this new piece of technology is a lot of fun and I couldn’t resist after putting some video together. It’s the AR.Drone Quadricopter, controlled by an iPhone! The review includes an unboxing, my first flight (indoors, mistake) including a crash in the sink! Then an outdoor flight and some of my comments on...

Build Your Own DIY Sonos System on the Cheap

Sonos Airfoil Logo Mashup

If you’re unfamiliar with Sonos’ fantastic products, go ahead and have a gander at their website.  Synchronized music, in multiple rooms in your home, wirelessly, and controllable via your iPhone.  Epic, right?  Unfortunately, at a price that’s out of range for many every-day music enthusiasts.  This article will show you a way to get similar functionality with existing equipment and some...

Microsoft and Apple – Still Playing Nice After All These Years

Microsoft and Apple on the same chip!

I happened to be digging through my garage somewhat recently, and ran across my Apple ][+ (of the Apple ][ Series) computer (and it’s green monitor, and dual floppy drives, and joystick, etc).  I’ll do an update to that experience later…  But for now, I want to share something for all the people out there who believe there’s some sort of cold war between Microsoft and Apple </sarchasm> I...

Doing it Right: Wells Fargo Envelope-less ATM Deposits

ATM Machine

While I’m not overly thrilled with my long-term bank Wells Fargo, mainly because of their recent assault of unexpected monthly fees across all of my accounts (I do all of my personal and business banking with them, including my mortgage), there are some things they’re doing very well…and that’s what the focus of this article is about. Today I deposited a number of checks into both my personal and...

Al Bsharah Business Minded, Technically Inclined