This blog has evolved over the years. At various states of its past it’s been about writing code, cool tech, business processes, personal productivity, even some product reviews. As well, it’s also had a few (somewhat long) gaps.
Today, the blog is about my angel investing syndicate Interlock Capital (that you can be a part of), fundraising, pitching and story telling, product and experience… all with startups in mind. I hope to keep a relatively regular cadence up of interesting topics that I discuss with startup founders on a regular basis.
as for me…

I’ve been involved in multiple San Diego startups since 1999 after leaving the Detroit auto industry as an electrical engineer. I started two of my own companies and raised capital from both VCs and angels, eventually selling one of those companies to both Seismic and Return Path (an interesting story). I’m the Managing Partner at Interlock Capital, am a Tech Coast Angels member, and have graduated both Techstars and The Founder Institute accelerator programs where I now give back as a mentor. In my free time I try to play a little beach volleyball, trade stocks, invest in startups, and camp (glamp) with my wife, son, dog, and friends.
Build meaningful relationships, product operations, presentations, pitching, story telling, raising money, user experience, partnerships. Mostly focused around SaaS, B2B, operations, and technology.
I know myself. I’m athletic and exercise regularly, volleyball is my sport. I’m empathetic. I’m a good judge of character. I’m good at figuring things out. I’m loyal, occasionally to a fault. I’m a geek. Build vs. Buy? I like both. I’m constantly tinkering with one thing or another (finished project or not). I’m a pretty good wing-it cook. I try to give more than I get, but there are too many good people out there ruining my ratio. I’m not a fan of cold weather (growing up in the Detroit area will do that to ya). I have an amazing wife, an epic son, and a crazy dog that keep me (in)sane!