Al Bsharah Business Minded, Technically Inclined

Read, Listen, View #1 – Politics, Economy, and Our Country’s Org Chart


I was sparked by a couple things over the past few days, and they’re ultimately the reason for this post.  In fact, I think the “Read, Listen, View” concept of this post just might end up being a recurring theme for my blog.  A good read, a good listen, and a good view…all on similar or related topics.

First…I’m NOT a fan of politics.  Frankly, I’m amazed I’m even writing about it.  <grin>  Don’t get me wrong, I vote religiously.  More clearly, I should likely say that I’m not a fan of politicians.  There are plenty of reasons why, but I won’t bother you with that here!  However, I will share one core belief I’ve held for a number of years now:
Business(wo)men should run the country, and politicians should run their campaigns.

While I may or may not have agreed with their stance or capabilities, I’ve been happy to see the likes of Ross Perot, Steve Forbes, and other successful businessmen run for the presidency over the years.  I wish more would do so.  This country is a complicated machine, moreso than the majority of companies out there, and just like any successful company it deserves a solid business mind at it’s helm (and throughout it’s Executive Branch).  I believe the recent talk of a CTO position being created for the United States is discussion in the right direction.  Do I believe it’s the right thing to do?  Will it induce unnecessary or useful insight and/or regulation?  Too early to say.  Conceptually, however, I believe it’s on target.

Our country is in a world of hurt and we need the best and the brightest available to help us right things.  Whoever takes office next year, I truly hope they’re able to bring a team of proven individuals together that can steer this monstrosity of a ship.  I think one of the bigest questions might be, are the best and brightest willing to sign up?

Below is a read, a listen, and a view that I’ve tagged over the past week.  I felt they should be shared…which is the main reason for this post:

  • READ:  CIO Magazine discusses who might be the best CTO for the USA.
  • LISTEN:  This American Life has an audio discussion full of interviews and insights into what really has caused this sub-prime meltdown.  It’s a really insightful listen, and well worth it.  There are things going on that most of America has no idea even exists…and these unknown and unregulated activities are exactly why we’re in this mess today.
  • VIEW:  …and finally, remember the days of “Whhaaaasssssaaaaaaaap?!”?  It’s been 8 long years…see where they are now (an entertaining video, to say the least).  You can see it below.

About the author

Al Bsharah

Al is the Managing Partner at Interlock Capital, a community-driven startup fund that allows seasoned or aspiring angel investors to get into amazing companies within their own budget. Al’s been involved in multiple San Diego startups since 1999 after leaving the Detroit auto industry as an electrical engineer. He's started two of his own companies where he's raised capital from both VCs and angels, and sold one of them to both Seismic and Return Path. He's graduated both Techstars and Founder Institute accelerator programs where he now mentors. In his free time he manages to play a little beach volleyball, invest in startups, trade stocks, and camp with his wife, son, dog, and friends.

By Al Bsharah
Al Bsharah Business Minded, Technically Inclined