Al Bsharah Business Minded, Technically Inclined

AuthorAl Bsharah

Al is the Managing Partner at Interlock Capital, a community-driven startup fund that allows seasoned or aspiring angel investors to get into amazing companies within their own budget. Al’s been involved in multiple San Diego startups since 1999 after leaving the Detroit auto industry as an electrical engineer. He's started two of his own companies where he's raised capital from both VCs and angels, and sold one of them to both Seismic and Return Path. He's graduated both Techstars and Founder Institute accelerator programs where he now mentors. In his free time he manages to play a little beach volleyball, invest in startups, trade stocks, and camp with his wife, son, dog, and friends.

Network Insight Acquired…


UPDATE 10.24.2008:  The acquisition is 100% official, so I’m updating this post to be a little less anonymous regarding the buyer.  I’ll post the press release when it comes out. So, the big news is that my company, Network Insight, was recently acquired by CenterBeam.  The formal press release has been delayed (due out the week of 10/27/2008), so I won’t announce the buyer just...

Genius Playlists – How Apple Missed the Mark


To start, I was one of the most excited people on the planet to hear that Apple was releasing iTunes 8.0, which apparently had “Genius Playlist” functionality.  This functionality essentially creates playlists of music that are similar to a song you select.  Fantastic feature, but boy did they miss the mark. For reference, I’ve been hacking my way...

Dropbox – Very Cool File Synchronizing / Sharing Application


UPDATE:  Dropbox is now out of beta, anyone can sign up!  I got a private beta invite to Dropbox, a very cool file sync application that works on PC, Mac, Linux, web…  Essentially, you can drop files into your DropBox folder on one computer and they’ll magically show up on your other systems (or even the web).  You can share them out so people can view them on-line (i.e. you want to...

SageTV DIY (Do It Yourself) DVR (Digital Video Recorder)


I’ve spent considerable time on this “hobby” of mine, and I’d like to share with you some of the details…or at least cut-to-the-chase so you can avoid the hastles I ran into. So…I made the decision about a year ago that I was done with TiVo.  Just not as flexible and feature-rich as I wanted it to be.  Upon making this realization, I began researching my...

Al Bsharah Business Minded, Technically Inclined